

Neighborhood Watch

In the two latest novels of the North & South storyline, Lines Drawn and Mysery Loves Company, you were introduced to important characters for the End of Times series.  In this first of the Dime Store Novels series available here, you will learn who they were and what they were doing before being caught up in this race to save humanity.  To fully appreciate the layout of this story, you should read the end of The Crimson Tempest and see how it fits into the End of Times timeline.  For those who wish to give the story a test drive, I am happy to present to you, The Neighborhood Watch.


This story was written when I was working on the North and South books, building the ranks of the team.  The comic was slated to be released after the North and South: Mysery Loves Company arc.

Neighborhood Watch

Omega Corps

With eleven years, 134 monthly title storylines, for the Confederate Soldiers, the evolution and expansion of my comic book universe had to be expanded to keep the story of Billy and his friends from becoming stale or redundant.  In the original stories, Omega Corps was a team put together by Darkside Command to handle the rebel vigilantes.  In North & South: Lines Drawn a glimpse of this is shown when Omega Corps faced off against the Confederate Soldiers in New York.  The antagonist view of this, and ongoing matchups, is the leader of Omega Corps, Colonel A C Cannone, learning that his daughter, Taylor, is in league with the vigilante leader, Billy Ray McBride.  To add cohesion to my universe, Omega Corps was an outlet for me to keep my characters, Amanda Bryson and Henry Lee Bennett, alive and well until the time came for me to reintroduce them to the Confederate Soldiers team to save the world, along with another character favorite of mine, Anthongy Higgins, a.k.a. Redwing.  Unfortunately, when the cover art was done for this dime store novel back in the late '90s, Redwing was actually written into The Confederate Soldiers storyline, having walked away from Omega Corps, thus the reason why he is not shown in the lineup for this dime store novel cover.


The new Dime Store Novel is below for you to print out or read online.  Also included in this story is background for my original covert ops team Task Force Zebra, and how they are also connected to the End of Times series.



Omega Corps