

This is a brief teaser of how I am going back in and giving my first book the rewrites

T-92:00 and counting...



    It is Thursday morning, and Lieutenant Charlie Steiner sits in front of a panel of military brass, answering questions about the foiled hijacking and his responsibility for it.  He isn't under suspicion.  Instead, he is to be commended for his actions and good investigative foot work.  "So, Lt. Steiner, in your own words, please explain to this panel how you came to your conclusions."

    "Yes sir," Charlie replies, "It was the driver's name that tipped me off to the inside leak.  He, the driver, is linked to several other shipments that were hijacked over the past three months.  My only regret is that I didn't get to see the shipping manifest before the truck left the base.  If I had, this incident could have been handled before the truck reached the front gates."  Charlie reaches into his brief case and passes out three identical reports to his superiors.  "Everything is in here, Sirs, including a few suggestions for future shipping arrangements."

    "Lt. Steiner, we would like to applaud your efforts and the service you give to this man's Navy.  I..." Admiral Clawson is is interrupted by the arrival of an up and coming ensign, who walks up to the Admiral and hands him a piece of paper, before whispering something into the officer's ear.  When done with his report, the ensign rises from his bent over posture and then gives his superior a salute before leaving.  "Now then, as I was saying, I feel that a commendation is in order, but it would seem that Admiral Jameson already has something in the works.  Take this over to the and report to him for your new assignment.  Good job, Charlie."

    "Thank you, Admiral Clawson, but that was all that I was doing; my job."  Charlie gives his superiors a salute and then exits the briefing room.  What could his new assignment be? Maybe it's something a little more casual, like a missing herd of goats on some Italian base.  That would be fine with him.  Charlie is getting tired of all of these high risk cases.  He has reached the point in his life where he has decided to settle down.  In doing so, he could be assured a long life with his new bride so that they can grow old together.  For the past seven years, he has lead a life fraught with danger and excitement.  As a Navy SEAL, he has seen or participated in every type of scenario that the teams could offer.  In the Navy, he has been to most of the civilized and uncivilized parts of the world.  Most of the time, it was the uncivilized parts, where there was never really anything to see, except global corruption and terrorist activities.

    Outside, Charlie walks towards his jeep pondering what awaited him in Admiral Jameson's office.  He was sure that it was probably his next case, which will not be in Italy.  Trying shed off the rain shower with his coat pulled up over his head, Charlie doesn't realize that Admiral Clawson had walked up behind him.  "Charles, could I speak to you for a minute?"

    "Of course, Admiral Clawson," Charlie replies and then salutes, not realizing that the Admiral was standing so close.  His hand hits the Admiral's umbrella showering both men with water from the umbrella's wet surface.  "Oh, Admiral, I am so sorry." 

    "Don't worry about it, Charles," Clawson replies with a chuckle, as he wipes the rain water from his coat and face.  "Your father would be proud of you, Charles  You've turned out to be a fine officer, as well as an investigator.  How is your father, by the way?"
    "I'm sorry sir, but you must not have heard.  My father was killed in a car accident this past October," Charlie answers, still feeling the pain of the occurrence.

    "Oh, well I guess it's me who should apologize.  I guess I've lost touch with everyone now a days.  Listen, I'm staying down the road at the Sleepy Sailor Bed and Breakfast Inn.  Edna loves the place.  We stay there every time we come down to the base, and have for the past thirty years."  Clawson thinks for a minute and then lets out a little chuckle.  "Hell son, you should know the place.  It's where your daddy..."

    "...Met my mother," Charlie declares, finishing the Admiral's statement.  "Yes sir, I know the inn," Charie answers with a laugh of his own.  Everyone knew someone who met there spouse at the Sleepy Sailor Lounge.  For twenty years it was the only place that served liquor near the base.

    "Well come on down and see me.  I'd sure like to catch up on the last five years of Carlton Steiner's life," the Admiral declares.  Walking over, he closes the jeep's door after Charlie climbed up into the driver's seat.  "Knowing your daddy, I'm sure you have a bunch of stories to share.  Now, i knowyou have to run, so I'm going to let you go see your CO.  But I'm going to be in town until next Sunday, so I'll be expecting a phone call from you, young man."

    "Yes sir, I promise I'll call."  Charlie gives the good Admiral a nod goodbye, and then backs his jeep out of the parking space.  His next stop is Admiral Jameson's office.  If he's lucky, he could be home early for once.

    "You can't be serious!" Charlie holds the open letter out in front of him, as if he was inspecting its authenticity.  "Ensign Mary Riley, you just made me the happiest man in the world!"  He tries to contain his enthusiasm, but to no avail.  He grabs the ensign from her desk and spins her around the room.

    "Honestly, Lt. Steiner, shouldn't you be doing this with your wife?"  Ensign Riley asks, while trying to catch her breath.

    "Sorry Mary, I just can't believe this is finally happening."  Charlie grabs the paper from the floor and reads it one more time to make sure he didn't misunderstand it.  "Listen, is Admiral Jameson in?  I need to thank him for this."  Charlie declares as he starts for the admiral's door.

    "Hold on, Charlie.  The admiral isn't in to see you today.  He called to say that there was an important matter that needed his attention."  Riley sits back down at her desk and straightens her hair.

    "That's cool.  Would you tell him that I'll try to stop by and see him in the next couple of days."  Charlie stuffs the letter and its envelope into his pocket, and then rushes out the door.  On cloud nine, he is oblivious to his surroundings and the people in his vicinity.  Several high ranked officers are surprised when Charlie doesn't stop to give them a salute.  It wasn't necessary, but it was customary from Lt. Steiner.  He is so excited about his new orders that he doesn't even notice the Admiral's car parked two spots away from his jeep.  Of course, he was in a rush to get in out of the rain, but even that seemed to be clearing up.  This is going to be a great day.

    The driver of said  car sits quietly in his darkened office, watching Charlie climb into his jeep.  The admiral's hands tremble, causing the ice in his glass to clank against the side.  He gulps down the remainder of liquor, and then shoves his cigarette into the ice cubes.  Even the vilest of criminals has a moment of conscience reflection.  Admiral Paul Jameson was having one of those moments.  Jameson gave Charlie his first commendation.  It was Jameson who brought Charlie to Norfolk, when Charlie's time with the SEALs was up.  It will forever be on Jameson's conscience that he was the one who had Charlie killed.